Pan American Ad 1967 March


Pan American Ad from March 24, 1967 Life magazine.

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Pan American Ad 1967 MarchFull color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Pan Am Airlines Flying To Europe. This ad has a picture of a man watching his wife standing on the edge of a pool as the water sprays upwards from a fountain as they stand at “Rome’s Piazza San Pietro”. The headline to this ad says that this is “Our European Plan” and that “It gives you 20 cities for the price of Rome”. It then says that this is “On a round-trip ticket. That’s just one sample of our many Extra Cities Plans. And to make them even bigger bargains, we’ve got new Economy tour fares for groups of 15 or more. (We’ll even help you form a group.) With these fares, for instance, our Holiday 404 now gives you 17 days of Lisbon, Madrid, Rome, Paris and London for as little as $472 from New York – Jets, hotels, the works. Check you Pan Am Travel Agent. Or call us. And fly away with the very best there is. It’s a good feeling. Plan on it”.

Source:  March 24, 1967 Life magazine.