Ford Galaxie Convertible Ad 1964


Ford Galaxie Convertible Ad from December 1, 1964 Look magazine.

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Ford Galaxie Convertible Ad 1964Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for another new innovation in Convertibles from Ford. There is a picture of a Dark-Colored Convertible being driven toward the camera by a smiling male and his attentive date. The opening sentence of the ad says that “V-8s had the convertible field all to themselves until Ford’s new Big Six came along”. The text continues by saying that “Unless you peek under the hood, you’ll swear it’s a V-8” and goes on to give more details about what it has and what kind of transmission it can be teamed up with.

Source:  December 1, 1964 Look magazine.