Pan American Ad March 1960


Pan American Ad from March 14, 1960 Life magazine.

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Pan American Ad March 1960Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that tells you how a Pan Am Jet can fly you to Paris, France in only 6 3/4 hours. This ad starts off with a picture taken “In the soft purple of evening, Paris comes alive. Nothing takes the place of being there…nothing takes you there like Pan Am. The headline then says that “Only your dreams get you there faster…Fly the fastest Jets to Paris – 6 3/4 hours on Pan Am. The ad then tells you that “The captivating City of Light is a mere 6 3/4 hours from New York by Pan Am Jet Clipper. There’s no faster way to get to Paris – or 12 other major European cities – than by Intercontinental Jets, world’s fastest airliners. You travel in comfort and relaxation in the capable hands of the world’s most experienced airline. You have your choice of deluxe or low-cost Economy fares. (Round-trip Economy fare to Paris, $502.20.) Pay only 10% down to make your dream trip come true! Over 270,000 passengers have crossed the Atlantic on Pan Am Jets. This year – why don’t you.

Source:  March 14, 1960 Life magazine.