Cummins Portable Tools Ad 1949


Cummins Portable Tools Ad from February 1949 Popular Science.

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Cummins Portable Tools Ad 1949Three color 5 3/4″ x 9″ ad for their BalanSaw. The ad has a drawing of this tool with the promise “Balance at last! The Weight’s on the Work and you See where you Saw”. The text describes how Balance and Visibility are the features more people want in their power saws and this saw claims to finally give it to you. The text discusses some of the jobs you can handle with this tool and mentions a price of $68. It uses the term “Perpetually Guaranteed” for this tool and the C-Line Drills that were offered and defines “Perpetually Guaranteed” as never needing to be replaced.

Source:  February 1949 Popular Science.