White Owl Cigars Ad 1940


White Owl Cigars Ad from May 13, 1940 Life magazine.

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White Owl Cigars Ad 1940Black and white 9 1/2″ x 12 3/4″ ad for the White Owl Cigars. This ad says that “Just Off The Boat From Havana: Octavus Roy Cohen O.K.’s Havana Taste Of New White Owl. There are four different pictures of Octavus Roy Cohen on the ship and it shows him talking to a man, who they just refer to as Owl. The conversation reveals that Mr. Cohen has been a top-notch fiction writer and he has been going to Cuba for rest, relaxation and time to work on a new series. Owl offers him a White Owl and the man is impressed with it, claiming that “it is a lot milder than the all-Havana cigars of Cuba – but it sure has a real Havana flavor”. The ad says that Mr. Cohen is known to his friends as a “Havana commuter” because of the frequency of his trips to Cuba. A connoisseur of fine Havana tobacco, he knows intimately the rich taste of a good cigar. Note what he says about the new White Owl. The new blended-with-Havana White Owl does have a rich Havana flavor – thousands of smokers will go along with Octavus Roy Cohen on that. And the fact that you now can get this preferred cigar taste in a good 5 cent cigar accounts for White Owl sales record. Are you missing out on this cigar “find” of the year?”.

Source:  May 13, 1940 Life magazine.