Tareyton Ad October 1971


Tareyton Ad from October 1, 1971 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad October 1971Full color 9 3/4″ x 12 1/2″ ad that is to advertise the Tareyton Filters and the Tareyton 100’s Filter Cigarettes. This ad shows a water dispenser hooked up to a water faucet and the ad headline says that you can “Filter for better taste the Tareyton way with activated charcoal”. The text at the top of the ad says that we can “Enjoy better tasting tap water with an activated charcoal water filter. Get this $12.99 value water filter for just $5.00 and two Tareyton wrappers”. It then gives the information on where to send you check to access this product. The text at the bottom of the page, next to the drawings of the two different products they were selling, says that you should “Enjoy the mild taste of Tareyton with the Activated Chzarcoal Filter. King Size or 100’s.

Source:  October 1, 1971 Life magazine.