Tareyton Ad July 1965


Tareyton Ad from July 2, 1965 & August 6, 1965 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad July 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad with a photo of a matronly lady wearing a hat and fox stole and holding a lit cigarette in her black gloved hand. She is smiling even though her right eye has been blackened as the ad headline has the familiar claim that “Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch!”. It then asks you to “Join the Unswitchables. Get the filter cigarette with the taste worth fighting for!” and there is a picture of a Tareyton with the paper split so the reader can see the two-stage filter tip.

Source:  July 2, 1965 & August 6, 1965 Life magazine.