Corvair 500 Sport Coupe – Full color 9 1/2″ x 12″ ad has a photo of a blue Corvair driving on a dirt and gravel road through a tree covered countryside. The ad headline lets us know that “Some cars travel best on 4-lane superhighways with lots of gas stations. (Let this one take you away from all that)”. Below this it touts “Corvair 500 Sport Coupe. America’s lowest priced hardtop – $2128″ and, when you sit open-mouthed at the price, you have to remember the difference in time. The ad goes into detail maximizing the value and minimizing the cost by talking about the “air-cooled 6 (which never needs water and uses gas only with utmost moderation)” makes you consider, somewhat, buying a Corvair.
Source: April 1967 Life magazine.