Sanka Coffee Ad 1939


Sanka Coffee Ad from December 25, 1939 Life magazine.

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Sanka Coffee Ad 1939Black and white 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the fact that serving Sanka coffee can make a good impression at an International affair. There is a six-frame story drawn about “John” who is having the Ambassador over for a small get-together and he lectures to his wife about what to do and what not to do, Even though coffee is one thing that she was specifically told not to serve, because the Ambassador cannot drink it, she has it prepared anyway. John was worried but the Ambassador seemed happy even though he mentioned that he has trouble sleeping afterwards. The wife mentions that Sanka is 97% caffeine-free so the Ambassador is surprised and pleased, so pleased that he tells John that he will try to get him the post they had been talking about.

Source:  December 25, 1939 Life magazine.