Chase & Sanborn Coffee Ad 1948


Chase & Sanborn Coffee Ad from 1948.

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Chase & Sanborn Coffee Ad 1948Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their New Blend of Coffee. The ad has a picture of a man who has taken the time to come to the breakfast table and kiss his wife on the head while she is filling his cup with Chase & Sanborn coffee. You can identify this man by looking for the halo over his head and the angel wings that have sprouted from behind his shoulders and the headline claims that “This New Coffee Flavor makes early morning Angels. It turns Bears into Dears…it’s a wonderful, wonderful spirit-lifting success”. The text explains how a very precise method of selection all through the process is responsible for this taste. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  1948