Listerine Ad April 1951


Listerine Ad from April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.

1 in stock


Black and white 9 1/4″ x 13″ ad that is for Listerine Antiseptic. This ad features a baby, sitting on the changing table, clapping his hands. The headline offers “Tomorrow’s Glamour Girl?…maybe! and then it goes into the text. “You actually want her to grow up to be attractive and sought-after, you hope she will meet nice boys and marry one of them. Of course you do. When she’s a little bit older you will encourage her to guard her charm and daintiness…you will, of course, see to it that, above all, her breath is sweet and wholesome, her other good points may count for little. Her best blend in this matter is Listerine Antiseptic. It has been a family standby for more than sixty years. Literally millions rely on it as the extra-careful precaution against halitosis (unpleasant breath). A night and morning “must” against offending and especially before any date. You see, Listerine Antiseptic instantly freshens and sweetens the breath…and keeps it that way…not for mere minutes…but for hours, usually. While some cases of halitosis are of systematic origin, most cases, say some authorities, are due to the bacterial fermentation of tiny food particles clinging to the mouth surfaces. Listerine Antiseptic quickly halts such fermentation, then overcomes the odors fermentation causes”.

Source:  April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.