Ralston Ad 1940


Ralston Ad from December 1940 Life magazine.

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Ralston Ad 1940Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for the Hot Wheat Cereal that can make life easier for a busy mother. There is a drawing of a kitchen in the morning where a thoughtful mother is trying to prepare breakfast, using Instant Ralston, while the baby is pulling on her apron strings and other members of the family are yelling questions and requests for help. The headline brings “Wonderful news for Busy Mothers” by announcing this “Delicious Hot Wheat Cereal (that) Cooks in just 10 Seconds”. The text gives you all of the facts you need to know, shows pictures of the boxes of Instant RalstonRegular Ralston and mentions the other Checkerboard cereals, Wheat Chex and Rice Chex. This ad is larger than my scanner so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  December 1940 Life magazine.