Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad 1965


Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad from April 2, 1965 Life magazine.

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Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Complete Cheese Pizza Mix. The picture shows a pair of feminine hands holding out a freshly baked pizza while, in the background, several couples of young people are dancing unaware that the pizza is ready. The headline calls it “The party-time pizza with the crispy, one-step crust” and the text describes the ease with which these can be completed. It mentions that it was available, at this time, in Cheese or Sausage and reasons that you don’t have to wait for a party to have one, “Bake one up anytime pizza hunger strikes in your home”.

Source:  April 2, 1965 Life magazine.