Campbell’s Ad 1959 August


Campbell’s Ad from August 3, 1959 Life magazine.

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Campbell’s Ad 1959 AugustFull color 9″ x 13″ ad for the Quality of Campbell’s products. The top headline says that “To make the best, begin with the best – then cook with extra care”. There is a picture of a kitchen table with an assortment of raw vegetables on it and, the words under this one say, “The good, old-time “kitchen garden” vegetables…they all play a role in Campbell’s famous blend of flavors”. The ad then continues with “Back in the day’s when most every home had a kitchen garden, some of the popular vegetables were parsnips, mustard greens, turnip greens, rutabagas, zucchini and okra. They’re a little more unusual these days, so it might surprise you to know that every one of them is used in making Campbell’s Soups. You see, as any fine home cook knows, these unsung characters of the vegetable world add special flavor qualities all their own. The “seasoning” vegetables – The trick is to handle such vegetables almost like seasonings. To blend them and combine them so skillfully that, while you don’t taste them individually, the result is a triumph of friendly flavors. This means that our chefs have to know every little quirk in every vegetable’s personality. They have to know what vegetables get along well with others. What vegetables used indiscreetly will “take over” in a blend of flavors. All this didn’t come in a day. In Campbell’s test kitchens our chefs have been known to try a certain blend of vegetables more than a hundred ways before they were satisfied. The art of little things – You might think that all this is all a lot of work to go to for little lifts in flavor here and there. But we believe in the little things. They can often make the big difference between merely good cooking and really great cooking. This is the philosophy we live and cook by here at Campbell’s.”

Source:  August 3, 1959 Life magazine.