Cover Girl Ad 1964


Cover Girl Ad from March 24, 1964 Life magazine & April 7, 1964 Look Magazine.

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Cover Girl Ad 1964Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad with a picture of model Sandra Peterson next to a cover of a Vogue magazine that she had been on. She is seen from the shoulders up with black hair, black feathers in her hair and holding more black feathers up to her chin and the headline says “At last! A Cover Girl complexion…so natural you can’t believe it’s make-up!”. The text talks about the results and benefits of this product reminding us that it is made with Noxzema and there is a picture at the lower right hand corner that shows their Powder, the Liquid and the Matte Make-Up and a reminder that each sold for $1.50.

Source:  March 24, 1964 Life magazine & April 7, 1964 Look Magazine.