Yardley Ad 1955


Yardley Ad from October 1955 Ladies Home Journal.

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Yardley Ad 1955Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for their Lavender Fragrance. The ad has a picture of a lady with wind-blown red hair smiling as she looks to the right of the picture with what looks like a vast expanse of desert in the background. The ad headline asks you to “Enjoy the fresh, young feeling that Yardley Lavender gives you” and calls it a wonderful gift than can be given in many forms. Shown in the ad are a Lavender Bath Oil with a price of $1.75 and the Long-Lasting Lavender Essence for $1.10. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 1955 Ladies Home Journal.