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Wrestling Superstars 1992 December


Wrestling Superstars 1992 December


Contents:  Fan Forum (Where’s Arn? Sure, Shango, Sure, Bad Brian.), Superstar Grapevine (Late news as of press time.), Superstar Quotebook (They said it…you read it here first.), Know Your Holds (Jake Roberts tells all about his deadly DDT.), Superstar Dream Match: Rick Steiner & Steve Williams vs. Scott Steiner & Terry Gordy (It’s a tangled web of mat excitement as the super teams split!), Money Inc.: Jimmy Hart’s Worst Investment (They gained the gold, but the cost was much too high.), Special Section: The Wrestlers Who Will Bring the Sport Into the 21st Century (Justin Liger/ Shawn Michaels, Dustin Rhodes/ Ultimate Warrior, Brian Pillman/ Sid Justice, Hulk Hogan/ Owen Hart, The Steiners/ Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam/ Davey Boy Smith, Tasmaniac/ Johnny Hot Body, Crush/ Big Van Vader, Terri Power/ Brian Christopher, Sting/ Lightning Kid), Jeff Jarrett’s Lament: “Have the Moondogs Turned Me Into a Wildman?” (Is a career of pure scientific wrestling nearing its end>), Thumbs Up To The New WCW Champ Ron Simmons: “I Dedicate My World Title to Sting” (It was a bittersweet triumph for the “All-American”.), Superstar Interview: Rick Rude (The WOW U.S. champion is as “Ravishing” as ever.), Official Wrestling Ratings (The sport’s most respected rankings.), Ratings Analysis (A look at federations from all over the mat world.)


Condition:  Very Good