Woody Allen Smirnoff Vodka Ad July 1966


Woody Allen Smirnoff Vodka Ad from July 22, 1966 Life magazine.

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Woody Allen Smirnoff Vodka Ad July 1966Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for Smirnoff Vodka and more of the things that you can make with it. This ad has a picture of Woody Allen, a man whose smile goes well with an advertisement for any kind of liquor, standing behind a stack of Mule Mugs that are balanced on top of and around a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka. The ad gives the recipe to make a Mule, offers a Set of 6 Mule mugs for $3.00 and taunts you to “Get a few mugs together and give a Smirnoff Mule Party”. The text tells us that this product is “filtered through 14,000 lbs of activated charcoal” and I have to wonder if the economy or environmentalists have caused a change in that quantity. This is a larger version of another ad on this page.

Source:  July 22, 1966 Life magazine.