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Winston Ad 1957


Winston Ad from February 18, 1957 Life magazine.


Winston Ad 1957Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their King Size Filter Cigarettes. There is a picture of a couple sitting in a white convertible with the top down at a stop light. A green truck with two male occupants has pulled up next to them and everyone notices that they share the same choice in cigarettes, Winston. The lady passenger in the convertible blurts out Winston tastes good!” to which the passenger in the truck replies “Like a cigarette should!”. The text headline claims that “Taste is what folks talk about – and like about Winston and continues with information about their “snowy-white and pure” filter. They identify a Winston as “America’s best=selling, best-tasting filter cigarette”.

Source:  February 18, 1957 Life magazine.