Willard Auto Battery Ad 1935


Willard Auto Battery Ad from February 23, 1935 Saturday Evening Post.

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Willard Auto Battery Ad 1935Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their 110 Battery. The ad has a picture of an older man pushing a car that a woman is steering and the headline suggests that you, and he, should install “The Most Powerful Automobile Battery of its size ever built by Willard, the Willard ‘110’. It “Gives you the Extra Capacity sometimes SO Badly Needed and the text offers the proof of having 51 plates instead of the usual 39. It is claimed to fit “most passenger cars – and in this service carries a 2 year or 24,000 mile adjustment policy”. The ad mentions the many different usages of Willard batteries such as Beacon LightsOriginal EquipmentFarm LightModern Trucks and Signals and Alarms.

Source:  February 23, 1935 Saturday Evening Post.