Whizzer Motorcycle Ad 1949


Whizzer Motorcycle Ad from February 1949 Popular Science.

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Whizzer Motorcycle Ad 19491949 Whizzer  – Black and white 5 3/4″ x 8 1/4″ ad for how to convince your Dad into letting you buy a Whizzer motor for your bike. The ad has a five-frame cartoon that starts with a young boy saying “Imagine Dad selling me on a Whizzer. The next few frames show the conversation between Dad and young Eddie where Dad is talking about Eddie’s friend Bob getting a Whizzer to put on his bike. Dad talks about it getting 125 miles on a gallon of gas and it costs only $10 a year to run. As Dad walks away Eddie tosses out “Do you think I can pay for one out of my allowance?” to which Dad says “Sure you can”. The last frame has a drawing of a bicycle with the Whizzer motor installed and the ad mentions a price of $109.97. Other features mentioned are that it “Fits any man’s balloon-tire bike”, that it has “Twist-Grip Controls” and a “Steel Cable Core Notched V-belt Drive”. It claims to be a “Rugged 2 1/2” h.p. 4-cycle engine and there are “Over 4000 Whizzer dealers coast to coast”.

Source:  February 1949 Popular Science.