Westinghouse WW2 Ad 1942


Westinghouse WW2 Ad from October 26, 1942 Life magazine.

2 in stock


Westinghouse WW2 Ad 1942Black and white 9″ x 12 1/2″ ad has a large drawing of a shipyard where a winch is lowering a shaft onto the deck of an aircraft carrier. The ad headline describes the action as “How to turn a hull into a hornet’s nest” and the text describes many of the ways that the expertise of Westinghouse is helping to make our aircraft carriers better. It talks about how Westinghouse uses their “know-how” to provide all the different types of power that are needed on ships of this type. Their slogan in this ad is “making Electricity work for Victory”.

Source:  October 26, 1942 Life magazine.