Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad 1965


Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad from April 20, 1965 Look magazine.

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Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Center Drawer Refrigerators. There is a dramatically lit picture of one of these units with the center drawer pulled out and the headline asking you to “Imagine. A slide-out meat market in your own refrigerator” In the right side of this drawer, the dimly lit side, you can see an assortment of vegetables stacked neatly and freshly. On the left side, the side that is well-lit, is a miniature butcher standing at a butcher block while surrounded by hanging meats. The text talks about the features of this drawer which include a “separate temperature-controlled Meat Keeper” and the ability to keep 21 pounds of meat. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  April 20, 1965 Look magazine.