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Volkswagen Bug Ad March 1966


Volkswagen Bug Ad from March 18, 1966 Life magazine.


Volkswagen Bug Ad March 1966VW Bug – Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for another of the wonderful features of owning a VW Bug. There is a picture that shows a side view of the rear half of a dark-colored VW Bug with a paper sign taped to the side rear window that says “For Sale Call KL 5-2368”. The headline claims that “One of the nice things about owning it is selling it” and the text explains how little these cars depreciate and will actually become worth more than other cars of the same age. The reasons that it gives for this phenomenon are that the older cars still look like the newer models and the amazing construction that goes into each Volkswagen. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of this ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  March 18, 1966 Life magazine.