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Volkswagen Bug Ad June 1965


Volkswagen Bug Ad from June 18, 1965 Life magazine & June 29, 1965 Look magazine.


Volkswagen Bug Ad June 1965VW Bug – Black and white 10″ x 13″ ad for the interchangeability of the VW parts which breeds the ability to make low-cost repairs. The ad features a photo of a VW with all of the body parts suspended in space. The ad carries the headline “Need a part?” and the text talks about how minimal the yearly changes are on a Volkswagen and mentions a rear fender costing $21.09 plus labor. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  June 18, 1965 Life magazine & June 29, 1965 Look magazine.