Volkswagen Bug Ad July 1966


Volkswagen Bug Ad from July 2, 1966 Saturday Evening Post & July 12, 1966 Look Magazine.

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Volkswagen Bug Ad July 1966VW Bug – Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that discusses the problems that having a Car that is inexpensive available and having it be So Reliable will cause. The headline shows a Dark Colored VW Bug parked against a white background and the headline asks “Do you earn too much to afford one?” The text talks about having a car that everyone knows has a low price will make you look “Not Rich”. It mentions the people who do have a lot of money and can afford a more expensive car that is better, but they can’t find one. So you see, in many ways you have to feel sorry for a person who owns a Volkswagen. But then again, not really.

Source:  July 2, 1966 Saturday Evening Post & July 12, 1966 Look Magazine.