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Volkswagen Bug Ad February 1960


Volkswagen Bug Ad from February 8, 1960 Life magazine.


Volkswagen Bug Ad February 1960VW Bug – Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad has a photo of a large quantity of Volkswagen parts spread out on a white floor with Dale Tuttle, the manager of a dealership, sitting on one of the seats with his arms spread in a joyful manner. The ad headline has him asking “Repair ’em? I’ve got enough parts to build ’em.” The text talks about Dave, and every other authorized dealer having all 5,008 of the parts that build into a Volkswagen sedan and gives a few prices (front fender being $21.75 and a cylinder head being $19.95). This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  February 8, 1960 Life magazine.