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Volkswagen Bug Ad August 1959


Volkswagen Bug Ad from August 3, 1959 Life magazine.


Volkswagen Bug Ad August 1959VW Bug – Black and white 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad has the headline asking the question Is Volkswagen contemplating a change? Pictured in the ad is, to the left, a head-on view of a new VW Bug parked there. Just to the right of that is, what looks like, a very similar Volkswagen covered up under a very secure canvas tarp. The text of the ad tells us that “The answer is yes”. It then tells us that Volkswagen changes continually throughout each year. There have been 80 changes in 1959 alone”. It then says “But none of these are changes you merely see. We do not believe in planned obsolescence. We don’t change a car for the sake of change. Therefore the doughty little Volkswagen shape will still be the same.The familiar snub nose will still be intact”. It then mentions several minor changes they have made: putting permanent magnets in the drain plugs and riveting special steel springs into our clutch plate lining. Their changes may be small, but they are constant.

Source:  August 3, 1959 Life magazine.