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Volkswagen Bug Ad 1964 May


Volkswagen Bug Ad from May 8, 1964 Life magazine.


Volkswagen Bug Ad 1964 MayVW Bug – Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that tries to put the small size of a VW Bug into perspective. There is a picture that shows a small VW Bug against a very large expanse of white background and the headline explains that “It makes your house look bigger”. The text tells us that it will make your house look bigger when it is parked in front of it but it also makes your garage bigger when it is parked in it, makes parking spots easier to get in and roads easier to stay in your lane. Expanding the “smaller” discussion it continues by talking about the smaller gas bills and maintenance bills that you will see with this car yet it has more legroom than you would expect, all for $1,595. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  May 8, 1964 Life magazine.