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Volkswagen Bug Ad 1959 August


Volkswagen Bug Ad from August 31, 1959 Life magazine.


Volkswagen Bug Ad 1959 AugustVW Bug – Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for the 1959 Volkswagen Beetle. This ad starts off with a man standing there in front of a blackboard where there is a picture of a VW Bug drawn with arrows pointing towards the torsion bars, the air filters and the cylinder head. The headline under this photo says that “Gerhard Baecker teaches Volkswagen (Or why Volkswagen service is as good as the car)”. The text then says that “Gerhard Baecker, schooled in Wolfsburg, Germany, now teaches Volkswagen in the United States. Like most teachers, Gerhard believes in what he teaches. He shares wholeheartedly the Volkswagen philosophy: the car is only as good as the service it gets. As a result, you’ll find Volkswsagens are serviced only by graduate mechanics trained to demanding Volkswagen standards. Volkswagen service is fast. Your Volkswagen engine can be removed and replaced in 90 minutes. A fuel pump installed in 20. Every authorized Volkswagen dealer has a complete inventory of VW parts on hand. There’s no wait, no substitution. Volkswagen parts are inexpensive. A new front fender is $21.75. a cylinder head $19.95. If you’re thinking about buying a Volkswagen, isn’t it nice to know the service is as good as the car?”.

Source:  August 31, 1959 Life magazine.