Van Heusen Shirts Men’s Clothing Ad December 1948


Van Heusen Shirts Men’s Clothing Ad from December 13, 1948 Life magazine.

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Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that was for the Van Heusen Men’s Clothing that was being offered at Christmastime. The ad starts off by showing several dress shirts, folded and waiting, and several more ties to complete the effect. And then it says “better than mistletoe…when you give shirts, ties, pajamas, sports shirts by Van Heusen. There is a drawing of a happy man looking up at the items shown as he embraces his wife and the text goes on. “It never fails! Christmas gifts with the Van Heusen label make men assert themselves in a very warm and grateful way. To get closer to your man this Christmas, give him Van Heusen shirts, ties, pajamas and sport shirts. And then hold still! You’ll have to pucker quicker than with mistletoe! Van Heusen Shirts – $3.50, $3.95, $4.95 Van Heusen Ties – $1, $1.50, $2 Van Heusen Pajamas – $3.95 to $8.95 Van Heusen Sport Shirts – $4.95 to $9.50″.

Source:  December 13, 1948 Life magazine.