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Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2005 February


Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2005 February


Contents:  It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Over! (Winning and losing in the land of Easterns and Rios); The Real Texas (Striking it rich in the Lone Star State has more than one meaning); Five Gobblers I’ve Come To Know (Recognizing “who” you are hunting is often what it takes to put a bird on the ground); Showdown At Twig Pasture (One way or another, you’ll always find action on Iowa’s southern border); Waiting ’em Out For 40 Years: The Veterans, Part II (“The real teacher is walking around out there pecking on the ground right now, while we’re sitting her talking about him. You think you can learn it from your easy chair, but all you can really learn is the theory.”); Mastering The Diaphragm Call (Talking turkey with nothing but latex and aluminum is rewarding – when you finally succeed); The Economic Impact Of Turkey Hunting (An annual hunt illustrates the opportunities for turkey hunting to improve a state’s business climate while benefiting sportsmen); Broken Silence (The midday gobble is a gift, but you have to know how to accept it); The Other Turkey Hunters (Humans aren’t the only hunters that turkeys must contend with. For four-legged and two-winged predators, turkey season is always open) Departments – Tree Call; Mail Pouch; Strategy Session; Turkey Biology; Bad Birds; Gobbler Shots; Craft & Culture; New Gear For 2005; Reader’s Shot

Issue:  February 2005

Condition:  Very Good