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Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2003 Spring


Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2003 Spring


Contents:  Generation Gap (From wide-eyed beginner to unquestioned expert, hunters are on a never-ending quest to learn more); The Old-Fashioned Way (While the “good old days” of turkey hunting are now, you can learn a lot by using some of the techniques that were popular when hunting was arguably much tougher); A New Age Of Decoys (There are more decoy choices and more information about how to use them then ever before. Here’s a rundown of several good options for you to consider this season); The Fallacies Of “Trophy” Turkeys (Everyone loves to kill heavy, long-spurred gobblers. However, such features are considered after the fact. Any longbeard killed via fair chase is a trophy, says the author); There’s Always Tomorrow (Too many hunters treat every encounter with a gobbler as do or die right then and there. In many cases, working up a plan for the next day is a smarter move); Good Shot! Now What? (What you do with your turkey between the woods and table or taxidermist will determine the quality of the finished product); Solving The Puzzle Of Pressured Gobblers (Frustrated by disappearing gobblers, one hunter studied the situation and figured out a plan to find them. If you hunt pressured toms, you’ll be interested in his discovery); Turkey Tools (Here’s why a portable blind just might be the ultimate camo for you) Departments – Tree Call; Mail Pouch; Strategy Session; Turkey Biology; Gobbler Shots; Craft & Culture; New Gear For 2003; Turkey IQ; Last Call

Issue:  Spring 2003

Condition:  Very Good