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Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2003 February


Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2003 February


Contents:  The Wet Rat (The old gobbler gave me a chance to hunt him every morning on the farm, something I worried I would not be able to do in years to come); Before The Green-Up (A late spring can mean open woods, and that usually works against hunters. Making a few adjustments to your usual spring tactics will make a difference); Changes – For Better And For Worse (It would be hard to name a type of hunting that’s changed over the past century more dramatically than turkey hunting. One turkey addict’s thoughts on rolling with the changes); Improve Your Odds On Public-Land Toms (New York pro Dave Streb tells you how to beat the crowds and find success on highly pressured hunting ground); All About Recoil (Understanding recoil – and how to reduce it – makes shooting your turkey gun more pleasant); Mouth-Calling Lessons (Pitch, tone, volume, raspiness…all influence the message you send when working a gobbler with a diaphragm call); Necessary Accessories (A number of items can prove just as important as your guns, shells and calls in the spring woods. Here’s one experienced hunter’s take on the stuff you ought to carry); ‘Bama Bird (There’s no finer way to kick off a new season than with a March trip to Alabama) Departments – Tree Call; Mail Pouch; Strategy Session; Turkey Biology; Gobbler Shots; Bad Birds; New Gear For 2003; Turkey Talk; Scratchings; Turkey IQ; Last Call

Issue:  February 2003

Condition:  Very Good