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Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2002 Winter


Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2002 Winter


Contents:  Don’t Do It, Daddy-In-Law (My son-in-law’s journey to get his first turkey had been a long one. His moments had come. But now his bird was standing right in front of me, and my finger was on the trigger); Experts’ Forum (The author has been privileged to learn from some real turkey-hunting aces. Here are their answers to some of the most common questions); Quest For A Turkey Gun (The choices might have been easier in the old days, but today’s turkey guns are capable of better performance than ever); The Comeback (It’s a story turkey hunters never tire of hearing – how turkeys came back from the brink of extinction and continue flourishing today); Wisconsin: Turkey Hunting’s Silent Titan (Wisconsin is seldom mentioned among turkey hunting’s heavyweight destinations, but it should be. For turkey numbers and quality hunting, it’s difficult to beat this often-unheralded state); Turkey Hunting Our National Park Lands (A surprising amount of acreage managed by the National Park Services is open to hunting. And a good chunk of it is turkey habitat you might want to check out); The Scouting That Sabotages Your Hunt (Aggressive preseason calling might be exciting, but chances are it makes gobblers tougher for you – or another hunter – to call in later); Spring 2003 Gobbler Guide (Our state-by-state guide to application deadlines, season dates and contact information will get you ready for spring) Departments – Tree Call; Mail Pouch; Strategy Session; Turkey Biology; Gobbler Shots; New Gear For 2002; Turkey Talk; Craft & Culture; Hunter’s Library; Turkey IQ; Last Call

Issue:  Winter 2002

Condition:  Very Good