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Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2001 March


Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2001 March


Contents:  The Easter Snap (There’s no better way to celebrate Easter than to be in the woods chasing God’s gift to spring); An Ounce Of Prevention (Read the results of T&TH‘s turkey safety survey. You can help make the woods a safer place); Never Miss Again! (Well, never say never. Still, here’s some surefire advice for shooting turkeys and avoiding heartbreaking mistakes); Is He With Hens? Assessing Gobblers (Sometimes, it’s easy to detect hens, such as when you see or hear them. But that’s not always the case); Calling Mastery Series, Part 2 Friction Calls: Slated For Greatness (Whatever they’re made of, peg-and-pot calls are some of the most deadly in the woods); When To Run, When To Hide (During most turkey hunts, you must decide whether to find a new setup or stick tight); Two-Time Pep And The Patience Ploy (It was that simple. Woodsmanship, location and knowing when – and when not – to call had made the difference); Pros And Cons Of Agressive Calling (The muted yelps and soft purrs of yesteryear have been replaced by loud, high-pitched calling. In short, turkey hunting has changed); The Uses – And Abuses – Of Locator Calls (Locator calls work extremely well at times. However, are you misusing them?); Calling Turkeys With Your Voice (Imagine calling in a gobbler with nothing but your voice. It’s tough, but it can be done) Departments – Tree Call; Mail Pouch; Strategy Session; Turkey Biology; Turkey IQ; Turkey Talk; New Gear For 2001; Hunter’s Closet/Where To Go; Last Call

Issue:  March 2001

Condition:  Very Good