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Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2000 Spring


Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine 2000 Spring


Contents:  Strategy Session – Back Off, Score More (When the gobbler clams up and walks away, sometimes it’s best to do the same); Turkey Biology – The Hatching Time (The long, perilous hatching process might be a turkey’s No. 1 challenge); The Highs And The Lows Of Turkey Hunting (No pursuit puts you on an emotional roller coaster quite like turkey hunting); Command Performance (Legendary turkey hunter Ray Eye takes an intelligent, low-impact approach to hunting spring gobblers); Make Mine Merriam’s (The author has hunted every American subspecies. If he were limited to just one, however, he would choose Merriam’s); Decoys: Pros And Cons (Some hunters swear by decoys, but others believe they spook gobblers. According to the author, both views are correct); Getting Your Gould’s (The last stop for the Royal Slam is often the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains – home of the Gould’s); Too Many Turkeys (Exploding turkey populations are changing the way hunters call. The days of yelping three tunes every hour are finished); The King Who Takes Leftovers (1999 Grand Nationals champion David Metcalf hunts public land, taking tough gobblers other hunters leave behind); New York’s May Magic (After two uneventful New York hunts, the author returned for a mid-May hunt to see New York at its best) Departments – Tree Call; Mail Pouch; Destinations; Turkey IQ; Turkey Talk; The Curious Turkey Hunter; Outsmart This Turkey; New Gear For 2000; Hunter’s Closet/Where To Go; Last Call

Issue:  Spring 2000

Condition:  Very Good