Travelers Ad 1962 March


Travelers Ad from March 9, 1962 Life magazine.

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Travelers Ad 1962 MarchThree color 9 3/4″ x 13″ ad for Travelers Insurance Companies. The picture in this ad is of a nighttime curve on a two-lane roadway without any traffic. There are no lights on the roadway and someone has had car trouble. There is one person standing on the inside of the curve, waiting, as the other is standing in the telephone booth talking, trying to get help for their car. There is a Travelers umbrella over the phone booth, fortunately. The ad text asks Local? Or long distance? If you have an accident, does your insurance company have someone close at hand to help? Answer ‘yes’ if you’re under the Travelers umbrella of insurance protection. Thousands of Travelers agents and claim men blanket the country. No matter where you travel, you’re never farther than a local phone call from a helpful Traveler’s man. And this extra service costs you nothing extra! Travelers rates for careful drivers are as low as any other insurance company’s. You pay no more than you pay with so-called ‘cut-rate’ companies that sell over the counter. Your Travelers man can handle the insurance on your life and health and home as well as your car – arrange it so you pay for everything with just one check a month. For one man, one plan, one check to pay, make a local call to your Travelers agent.

Source:  March 9, 1962 Life magazine.