Tootsie Roll Candy Ad 1942


Tootsie Roll Candy Ad from October 26, 1942 Life magazine.

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Tootsie Roll Candy Ad 1942Black and white 5 1/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for this popular Chewy Chocolate Candy. There is a picture of a soldier in uniform preparing to take a bite from a Tootsie Roll that he is holding in his hand and he is admitting “Sure I take candy from a baby…when it’s Tootsie Rolls!. There is a warning at the top of the ad that claims that stealing Tootsie Rolls from children has become a national menace and urges adults to buy your own. This candy is claimed to be popular “from marble-shooters to leathernecks” and mentions that the high levels of Dextrose in this product is just what our fighting men need to perform better.

Source:  October 26, 1942 Life magazine.