Tide Soap Ad 1952


Tide Soap Ad from January 28, 1952 Life magazine.

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Tide Soap Ad 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that makes the claim that this laundry soap is so good that when used in your kitchen it’s A Dishwashing Miracle!. There is a drawing if a kitchen sink where a lady is doing her dishes with Tide and has stopped to view her beaming reflection in a metal pan. The headline claims “Cleaner Dishes…Ring-Free Pan…Tide cuts Grease as no Soap can!”. It discusses three benefits to using this product as being 1) No greasy water – No dishpan “ring”2)Dishes sparkle – even without wiping! and 3)Kind to hands, too – now milder than ever!. The ad ends by suggesting that you “Always buy Two…One for Dishes…One for Laundry”.

Source:  January 28, 1952 Life magazine.