Tide Ad 1951


Tide Ad from April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Tide Ad 1951Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Tide Laundry Detergent. In this ad, under the headline that “She wears the cleanest clothes in town…her mother swears by Tide is a sparkling little girl standing by her baby carriage as one nearby boy is fainting with his heart aflutter and another boy catches him. It is said that “She wears the cleanest clothes in town – so does her little brother. Their clothes are always washed with Tide – They’ve got a clever mother!”. The claim is made that “Tide Gets Clothes Cleaner Than Any Soap!” and it is said that “No Soap – No other product sold throughout America will wash as clean as Tide“. It is said that you should “Just try Tide” because your clothes will be “Not only cleaner – Whiter, too” and, you will see, they “And Brighter!”.

Source:  April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.