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The Skateboard Mag 2004 September


The Skateboard Mag 2004 September


Contents: Tour Machine (We know where you’ve been), I’m A Kook (And I vote), Jon Comer (Step aside), Paul Rodriguez (Milestone), Hardback (The Mutt), Guadalajara (Dudes with Assault Rifles), New Jack (Mark Gutterman), Crops (Graphic descriptions), Initial Remarks (Surprise, surprise), Mailstrom (Hal 9000 vs. Carnie), Guest Ed (Tim O’Conner), Origins (The Kickflip), Exposed (New Oral traditionalists), Festivus (Life and Limb reading), Odds and Evens (News, Pushing Buttons, ty2k, myPod, Calendar, Chirping in, Way/No Way), Timbre (Other than), Connected (Jeff Pang), Daily Ops (Quim Cardona), Scene Building (Colby Carter), Flick (Static II), Insider Info (Tony Magnusson), Store Front (KCDC), Clyde Corner (Uh few things), Black Out (Christ almighty


Condition:  Very Good