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Tattoo Magazine 1992 October


Tattoo Magazine 1992 October


Contents:  Jerry Lucas (A meaningful obsession.), Billy Farley (Definitely trophy material.), Kristin (From Speck to roses.), Brian Dorzel (The messenger.), Roxy Welch (Let the good times roll.), Brian Williams (Working it out with ink.), Lois (Doctor/tattooist.), Harry Wallrich (Overcoming the demons.), Sunita Catapano (A lady with balls.), Jacob Ballering (Family album.), Kathy Senese (Attention-getting art.), Jim Barron (The forest rider.), Doris (Hot Austrian ink.), Jim Reynolds (Tennis Anyone.)_ Events – North Coast Images Expo (Fifth annual bash.), Easyriders Tattoo Contest (Top five from Vallejo.) Departments – Tattoo Mail Box (Keep those cards and letters coming.), In The Skin (Filling in the open spaces.), Cards (Directory assistance.), Flash (From butterflies to bizarre.), Pushing Ink (Checkin’ out some new faces.)

Issue:  October 1992

Condition:  Very Good