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Tattoo Magazine 1992 August


Tattoo Magazine 1992 August


Contents:  Snake Reidel (A tribute to the ’50s.), Ed Nydegger (Precious skin gems.), Tammy Lewis (A tribal beauty.), Joseph Keraly (Bitten by the bug.), Mick & Anna (Visitors from England.), Joe D’Avanzo (Mixed feelings.), Ron Lopez (New Jersey ink.), Wandy Harper (Trying something new.), Greg Kulz (Innovative creations.), Jessamin (Animal magnetism.), Lynn Hafferkamp (Ever-changing chameleon.), Glenn Hartzell (Bringing it all together.), Patrick Flynn (Life’s comedy and tragedy.), Leigh & Jessica (Mother/daughter combo.), James Jung (A love of the art.), Dave & Debby (Shaking up the Midwest.) Events – Santa Rosa Expo (Tattoos and blues.), Daytona (The colors of spring.) Interview – Darren Rosa (Psychology or tattoos.) Departments – Tattoo Mail Box (Opinionated readers? You got it.), In The Skin (Twelve color-filled pages.), Cards (Add them to your list.), Flash (Penned-down ideas.), Pushing Ink (Thumbnail sketches.)

Issue:  August 1992

Condition:  Very Good