Tareyton Ad June 1977


Tareyton Ad from June 1977 Playboy.

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Tareyton Ad June 1977Full color 8″ x 11″ ad for the Tareyton Lights which are advertised as being the “New low-tar with that Tareyton plus: Flavor improved by charcoal”. The ad says that “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that charcoal is the best available method for filtering water. It’s also used to mellow the taste of the finest bourbons. Plain white filters remove taste. Tareyton’s charcoal filter actually improves flavor. That’s why Tareyton goes low-tar one better”. The ad seems very confusing. It mentions there is “Only 8 mg.” but it doesn’t really say “of what”. And there is a box that says “Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Cigarette Smoking is dangerous to your health”.

Source:  June 1977 Playboy.