Tareyton Ad February 1960


Tareyton Ad from February 22, 1960 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad February 1960Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that calls attention to the Dual Filter in every Tareyton. Against a green background we see a male hand holding up a Tareyton with the paper pulled away from the Dual Filter and the other hand with two fingers pointing toward the cigarette. The headline says the “Dual Filter Does It!” and a box in the green portion of the ad talks about the “unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL” and the “efficient pure white outer filter”. It claims that these two “Filters as no single filter can…for mild, full flavor!”. The ad also has a picture of an opened pack of this product and claims they are available for a “Popular Filter Price”.

Source:  February 22, 1960 Life magazine.