Tang Ad October 1961


Tang Ad from October 13, 1961 Life magazine.

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Tang Ad October 1961Full color 9 3/4″ x 13″ ad that reminds us that “For breakfast, Tang tastes so good when it’s good and cold!”. The photo in the ad is a very icy situation showing a bottle of Tang, a glass filled with the product and the remainder of a juice bottle. The ad text tells us that “Tomorrow for breakfast let Tang surprise you. Just mix a decanter full tonight and refrigerate. The cold fact is: one night in your refrigerator makes a new drink out of Tang. And Tang gives you more vitamin C than orange juice…plus vitamin A. So for breakfast tomorrow morning wake up to Tang. But make it good. Make it cold. Make it good and cold!”.

Source:  October 13, 1961 Life magazine.