Tab Ad September 1965


Tab Ad from September 10, 1965 Life magazine.

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Tab Ad September 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the 1 calorie soft drink from Coca-Cola. There is a large picture of a bottle of this product half empty and another picture of a day at the beach where two young boys sit with their parents. The one boy has leaned over and is whispering something to his mother and the headline wants us to believe that he is asking her “How can just 1 calorie taste so good?”. The text identifies them as the Olmstead family of Newport, California and it claims that Mrs. Jackie Olmstead likes it because it helps keep she and her husband slimmer but the kids like it because it tastes so good.

Source:  September 10, 1965 Life magazine.