Tab Ad June 1965


Tab Ad from June 11 & July 9, 1965 Life magazine.

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Tab Ad June 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the 1 calorie soft drink from Coca-Cola. The headline for the ad asks Why settle for just a diet drink when there’s Tab with just 1 calorie. The ad has a close-up picture of a chilled bottle of Tab and a smaller picture of a partially emptied bottle of Tab sitting on a table with various fruits and a glass that has just been grasped by a feminine hand and is making it’s way toward it’s owners’ mouth. The text at the bottom of the ad lets us know that Tab is the new 1 calorie drink created by The Coca-Cola Company to help you enjoy today’s wonderful foods. Doesn’t it make sense to be refreshed with sensible modern Tab.

Source:  June 11 & July 9, 1965 Life magazine.