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Swans Down Ad April 1951


Swans Down Ad from April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Swans Down Ad April 1951Full color 5″ x 14″ ad that is for Swan’s Down Cake Flour. The headline begins with a “Springtime hint to brides” as it reminds you to “Remember men love Swans Down cakes (and the girls who bake them!). This ad has a recipe for the Spring Rhapsody Cake and it has a drawing of what the cake looks like before it goes into the recipe on how to make it. It says “To Mix: Prepara Happy Day Cake as directed on back of Swans Down Cake Flour package. And…Be sure to use Swans Down Cake Flour. Then you’re bound to turn out a man-tempting beauty – a cake as glorious as Spring itself. It’ll be finer, softer, more delicate. In fact, you just can’t get that glorious Swans Down tenderness – that rich ‘n luscious Swans Down goodness – with any other flour”. Further instructions can be yours if you buy this ad.

Source:  April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.